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The future of Healthcare logistics

Solutions to Optimize the Healthcare Industry

Discover the future of intelligent management in the healthcare sector with Bitua's artificial intelligence software.

We understand that having the right supplies, in good condition, and without expiration is crucial in patient care. That's why we've developed a revolutionary solution that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to efficiently manage these aspects.

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"Thanks to Bitua's software and data analysis, we were able to significantly optimize the inventory in our hemodynamics room. Now, we can have the necessary supplies at the right moment, avoiding wastage and ensuring quality care for our patients."

Enfermera Jefe de Hemodinamia

Consumption Prediction

"Our advanced algorithms analyze and process real-time data, identifying hidden patterns and trends to generate accurate consumption predictions."

Inventory Optimization

"The consumption prediction enables you to optimize your inventories, ensuring you have the necessary supplies when you need them, avoiding waste, and ensuring proper patient care."

Expiration Anticipation

"Our artificial intelligence also has the capability to predict the expiration of medical products. This provides you with complete visibility into supplies that are nearing their expiration dates."

Replenishment Automation

Our system features integration APIs that enable the automation of the replenishment and billing process for hospitals or patients.

!The Future of Hospital Logistics¡

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